
To complete the registration process, you must first agree to the Recreation Unlimited Discipline and Behavior Management Policy. And, after completing this registration form, a staff member will contact you to discuss your position on the waiting list. Completing this form does not guarantee a space in Recreation Unlimited.

Step 1 of 8 - Camper Information

  • Discipline and Behavior Management Policy

    Our program advocates a positive guidance and discipline policy with an emphasis on positive reinforcement, redirection, prevention and the development of self-discipline. We remind participants that the program rules are established for safety and to ensure that we have a common standard of behavior. Our staff work with participants to establish standards of acceptable behavior. Good behavior and cooperation are expected of all participants.

    Shared Responsibility

    The staff at Recreation Unlimited suggest positive alternatives to unacceptable behavior before it gets out of control. Parents, participants and staff work together to develop and promote responsible behavior during attendance at the program. Parents will be notified if their child is having difficulty following the safety rules; parents may be requested to attend a conference with the Director. It is our sincere desire to work with parents for the benefit of their child.

    Participants are expected to comply with the program rules and obey and be respectful of the program staff. Parents are expected to cooperate with and support the staff in maintaining and encouraging acceptable behavior for their children. Staff must maintain the established standards of behavior needed to assure a safe, positive and fun atmosphere.

    Director and Assistant Director Responsibilities

    The Director is responsible for setting the standards of the Behavior Management Policy and for supervising the staff and assuring the standards are followed on a daily basis. The Director or Assistant Director are responsible for notifying parents of serious behavioral issues that affect the safety of their child, another child or the staff ( for example, fighting, threatening to harm another camper/staff, throwing rocks). The Director or Assistant Director are responsible for notifying parents if their child uses inappropriate language, engages in vandalism or stealing while at day camp.

    Day Camp Behavior Standards

    All campers are expected to:
    • Respect all persons’ rights and property. Bullying is not tolerated at Recreation unlimited Staff are trained to recognize bullying and to teach participants that it is not acceptable and is to be reported to the staff.
    • Follow instructions given by our staff in order to ensure a safe and efficient day of fun activities.
    • Behave in a safe and reasonable manner.

    Profanity: The use of profanity is not acceptable or tolerated at day camp. Parents will be notified if their child uses profanity or offensive language. Children who use profanity or offensive language will be given 1 warning. If the child uses profanity again, he/she will immediately be given a time out, 1 minute per year of age. Continued use of profanity or offensive language can result in expulsion from the program.

    Sexual/Religious/Political/Violent Discussions: The topics of sex, religion, politics, race and violence are inappropriate at Recreation Unlimited. Those topics are to be discussed at home with parents. Recreation Unlimited is a recreational program and holds no affinity with any political, religious, sexual, or racial group or activist movement. Activism is prohibited at camp. Children promoting activism of any kind will be subject to the consequences of the behavior management policy. Children engaging in inappropriate discussion topics will be subject to the consequences of the behavior management policy.

    Vandalism: Children who damage or lose property or equipment belonging to the program may be asked to replace or repair the damaged property or equipment. Children who vandalize property will be given a time out immediately, 1 minute per year of age. Their parents will be contacted by the Director or Assistant Director. Vandalism may result in expulsion from the program.

    Fighting, throwing rocks or sticks: Children who fight or threaten to cause harm to another person, or throw rocks or sticks or sand will be referred to the Director or Assistant Director. They will be given a time out immediately, 1 minute per year of age. Their parents will be contacted by the Director or Assistant Director. These types of behaviors may result in expulsion from the program.

    Weapons: Weapons such as knives, slingshots, darts, clubs, chains, firearms, are not permitted. Any child who has an object considered to be a weapon will be referred to the Director or Assistant Director. The parents will be notified immediately, the weapon will be confiscated and held in a secure place as determined by the Director or Assistant Director. The child will be given a timeout, 1 minute per age. Bringing a weapon to the program may result in expulsion from the program.

    Alcohol and illegal substances: These are not allowed at the program and will be confiscated immediately. Parents will be notified by the Director or Assistant Director to pick up their child immediately. Bringing alcohol or illegal substances to the program may result in expulsion from the program.

    Defiance and Repeated Disruptions: Children who defy the authority of the staff by refusing to follow the rules, refusing to take time out or accept other consequences as outlined in the discipline policy listed below, may be expelled from the program.

    Counselors at Recreation Unlimited will:

    1. Discuss the rules with participants and identify out of bounds areas.
    2. Discuss the consequences of not following the rules:
      • Time out or quiet time
      - First time: 1 minute per year of age
      - Second time: 20 minutes
      - Third time: Parent notified, possible loss of privileges, possible additional time out, possible Unacceptable Behavior Notice (UBN)
      - Fourth time: Parent must pick child up immediately
      • Restriction from activity
      • Restriction to adult supervision
      • Conference with the Director and parent
      • Removal from the program: If a participant receives 3 UBN’s they will no longer be allowed to participate in the program.
      • Extreme issues are discussed with the Advisory Board and may result in immediate expulsion from the program. The Director will communicate the recommendation of the Advisory Board to the parents.
    3. Enforce all rules at all times, without malice, and be consistent in application.
    4. Inform the Director or Assistant Director of all disciplinary measures
    5. Never allow discipline to include:
      • depriving a participant of food or restroom use
      • placing a child alone without supervision
      • subjecting a child to ridicule, shaming or threat
      • corporal punishment including spanking, slapping, striking, pinching, biting, kicking, pulling, hitting, or washing out the mouth with soap or any unpleasant substances
    6. Restraint of a participant is only to be used if they are a danger to themselves, a danger to others or property. Participants that need to be redirected or assisted may be touched gently on the shoulder, upper arm or hand based on a case by case situation.
    7. Conduct a periodic evaluation of the program/staff/participant groups to ensure that the program environment is not contributing to behavioral problems.